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"Discovering your documentary was a big event in my life : few days after seeing it, I’ve decided to forgive my father. There is no coincidence in life ! Thank you for your powerful message. It’s really important to forgive and move on!"

— A. Clinet


"I just wanted to reach out to you because tonight I can across your Netflix documentary "Look At Us Now, Mother!" and I felt compelled to pause it to write you. I am barely 15 minutes into watching and my heart is aching and my mind is filled with anxiety, the kind that makes it hard to catch your breath, anxiety because of the not near similarities but the EXACT similarities I went through and still continue to go through with my own mother.  It is uncanny how exact. The big nose, the poofy hair, etc, et. My heart is aching so very bad because I can empathize 100%to how you feel.  I wanted to thank you for this documentary, although I am barely into watching, it's giving me a hope that I haven't had before. That I'm not the only one who's gone through this and than I can/will be ok.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm going to get myself a box of tissues and continue watching. 

So, I just finished watching the entire documentary and I'm not often left speechless but this has me in a ball of emotions. I wholeheartedly believe that the universe placed this in my life at the exact moment I needed to watch it. I'm humbled and appreciative of this film. I can't thank you enough. You've touched me forever and I will hold this film close in my heart especially on the hardest days.Thank you from the bottom of the heart. I don't think you can understand the magnitude of how much this documentary touched me."    


—Jessica K.



"Just saw your film in Woodstock. Was sitting in 2nd row and asked how I could get the film for me and my mom to watch. GIRL that film was BRILLIANT! I've already sent it to tons of friends!I am going thru huge problems with my insane neurotic typical mother. I NEED help dealing with her and you inspired me so much. I will most definitely donate and spread the word.  I really thank you for tackling such a difficult situation and so well done!"


—Beth B.



"Phenomenal! Honest, brave, heartfelt portrayal with considerable wit and humor. A true celebration. Saw it a few weeks ago in Providence, & would happily travel to see it again. Can't wait til it's released.”  


— Feather S.


Saw this film today - highly recommended! Thank you both Ms and Mrs Kirschenbaum for sharing this intimate story and enabling us to face our own "demons" and achieve rapprochement and forgiveness.


—Donna Denyer Walker 



I saw the film at Village East in NYC tonight. It was incredible. A very brave undertaking. The heart of this film of course is the secret to life. Parents and children can be different but we each do the best they can. This film really shows how with strength and much work differences can be turned into a positive. I was at the Q&A afterward which was insightful. I wish you the best of luck . 


—Sheri S.

"Today I watched your amazing documentary “Look At Us Now Mother” and I was in tears. I have struggled all my life with my relationship with my mother VERY much like yours. I wish I could get her to watch it with me but we are once again (the 10th time in our life) estranged . . .I’ve been in therapy sine I was 18. I will be 69 next week. . . I’ve read so many books trying to understand my mother/daughter turmoil for all these decades. Your film was my answer, Thank you."


—Jo Ann




"I just finished watching the documentary about your mother and I was so incredibly moved, validated and comforted by your story. 

My mother and I have a similar struggle and after years of therapy, I have worked hard to understand why- but she still struggles to understand why I’m so caught up in the past. I feel like this documentary is a great way to open doors for conversations between us.

There’s a really poignant line at the end with a therapist speaking to your mom where they both agree your mom operates on practicality, and digestion and dissection of feelings are really managed with avoidance. So when you, who really values emotions and past experiences and history came into her life, she didn’t know what to do. I could have saved A LOT of money in therapy if I heard that idea 15 years ago. 🤣

Anyway, thank you for what you do— I can’t imagine the vulnerability it takes to share this, but it really does make a difference!"




"I loved this documentary. I related so much with you and your mom's story. I wish I could put into words what an experience this was watching ( total of 6 times !). I recommend this to anyone who's dealt with the topic explored!"               






"I just watched your movie Look At Us Now, Mother! The summary caught my attention instantly. I, too, had a rough relationship with my mother and always wanted a better loving relationship between the two of us. I always thought I had more time with her and thought in time our relationship would have gotten better, but unfortunately my mom passed before I ever had the chance to tell her many things I wanted to tell her. I really appreciate what you did with your film. It actually gave me a sense of closure as well, just by thinking she knew above all I loved and respected her and I know she loved me too. I just wanted to say thank you for what you have done."



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